
Create a Shopblocks Store

Our Shopblocks integration allows resellers to publish products to Shopblocks Stores and receive orders into their workflow. This is provided alongside the support for Shopify and other ecommerce platforms, users may choose to offer a mixture of each storefront. Shopblocks describe themselves as where B2B connected commerce happens. With all the automations, integrations, and conversations you need, make Shopblocks the heart of your ecommerce business. 

To create a store please contact Shopblocks Sales via Keep track of your store URL domain, for example and your authentication token, these are needed to configure your store in the App and publish products in App v2.

Essential Store Settings

There are some requirements on the store admin site to allow orders to be received into the MyPrintStreet workflow.  The admin site is provided on a different URL to the store front e.g. Select Settings from the left-hand navigation bar and then Technical-->Webhook-->Manage Webhooks from the page. Select the New Webhook button from the top-right and complete the form to create the webook.  Set the Event as Order Submitted (Fires Once) and the URL as below:

For example the Webhook URL may read:

An example screen shot is given below.

Hit the Save button at the top-right to complete.

Next Steps

Keep track of your store URL domain, for example and your authentication token, these are needed to configure your store in the App and publish products in App v2.

Setup Shopblocks Store

To publish products to an Shopblocks store first ensure you have setup the essential store settings as described in the solution.

To add the store first login to the App and select Stores from the left-hand bar to show the stores setup against your account.  Hit the New Store button to show available store types.

Select Shopblocks from the listed stores types.

Complete the form that appears with the store domain, your chosen display name and the authentication token provided by Shopblocks. For an example of the store domain please see the screen shot below, it should appear like The domain can be omitted and it will be determined solely from the token.

The store will be added to the list of configured stores, now setup to publish products to the store.  Products can then be managed within the store and synchronised as normal for Shopify and other types of store.  Note that it is mandatory to select a category when publishing to the store and the category tree is displayed for selection.  New categories created through the App will be placed at the top level and will have the "best match" sort order by default.  This can be changed in the store admin site.

The Settings link on the store view will show the standard store settings page with the Shopblocks store domain that has been setup. 


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