Product Licencing

Updated December 2024

If you have any questions or comments regarding the following you can contact us and we will be happy to help.

All prices specified in the following are exclusive VAT / Taxes.


Our licence fee has been designed to be flexible, scalable and reduced based on volume. It comprises of the following components:

  1. Base Licence
  2. Modules
  3. Per Item Fee
  4. Support Licence
  5. Feature Requests

Base Licence

The base licence is made up of one or more of the following base licence components and covers the following:

  • Access to the product
  • Access to new features
  • Access to maintenance releases (i.e fixes)
  • Access to support [Support Lite licence - see Support Licence]
Components Price Setup Fee Comment
Network £500 £1000

Own Network with integration and fulfilment ability

Unlimited inbound integrations

Unlimited external producers

Producer £200 £1000

Production Workflow

If not purchased with Own Network then will be a producer on MyProductStreet

Includes 1 x Shipping Provider connection

Producer Lite Free Free Receive orders by email ONLY (i.e no Production Workflow)
Reseller £200 £1500 Own branded reseller app
Reseller Hosting Free Variable Covers extra processing for certain Reseller App features such as mockup generation requests from other company apps

NOTE: Producer and Producer Lite are mutually exclusive.


The current available modules are as follows:

Module Price Comment
Batches £250 Ability to process images in batches to improve performance
1 x Additional Shipping Provider Connection £75 An additional connection to a shipping gateway, such as Stamps, Royal Mail etc.
1 x Outgoing Integration £75 A connection to an external system.
Stock Management To be confirmed Inventory management system.

Per Item Fee

The Per Item Fee which is calculated based on the origin. This is due to the extra processing and functionality needed.

  • Per Item Fee - Integrator originated orders
  • Per Item Fee - Reseller App originated orders

Integrator originated orders (i.e. items NOT for products created by our Reseller App)

The following figures are based on the number of items processed in the previous month.

From total items processed per calendar month To total items processed per calendar month Our Per Item £
0 1500 0.25
1501 5000 0.15
5001 Unlimited 0.10

Reseller App originated orders (i.e. items for products created by our Reseller App)

The following figures are based on the production charge of an individual item.  They increase in bands to recognise the extra functionality that the App provides, such as:

  • Management of all Reseller products and variants
  • Storage costs of all Reseller mockups
  • Management of product publishing to many ecommerce platforms
  • Ability to personalise Reseller products
Product production charge ranges Our charge %
£0.00 to £1.00 10%
£1.01 to £3.00 9%
£3.01 to £5.00 6%
£5.01 to £9.00 4%
£9.01 to £11.00 3%
£11.01 to £15.00 3%
£15.01 to £30.00 2%
£30.01 to £50.00 3%
£50.01 to £100.00 3%

Support Licence

Support Licence Price Includes
Lite Free and included in all Base Licences

All tickets will be progressed under reasonable efforts with standard priority. At busy times this may mean a longer wait time for the ticket to be addressed.

You are allocated a budget of 8 hours of free support each month. Extra support will be charged at an hourly rate of £85 per hour. You will be notified when your budget has been used so you can control extra spend.


  • If you want us to progress calls quicker than reasonable efforts then our hourly rate will be applied and invoiced at the end of the month.
Professional To be agreed We are happy to discuss support requirements with you, over and above the ones delivered in the Lite licence.

Our Support process can be found at the following:

Feature Requests

We appreciate all feedback and requests for change. We internally assess all feedback and select some feedback to add to our work plan.

Component Fee Comment
Change we deem will benefit other customers Free Change, funded by us, and added to our Roadmap
Change we deem will NOT benefit other customers £ full cost of change Change, funded by the customer

Our Feature Request process can be found at the following:

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