Change Request Process

If you have any questions or comments regarding the following you can contact us and we will be happy to help.

We welcome change

We regularly get asked what is the process of requesting change of our Product. Here is the process of requesting change and some FAQs that we get asked.

What is the process of requesting change?

  1. Email our support team ( who will pass on the request to the development team.
  2. Our development team will review your request and contact you to discuss further.
  3. Once a full understanding of the change has been gathered, the development team will document and estimate the change.
  4. Once an estimate has been produced and verified, the development team will assess the change to see if it is one that we determine is a Product change or for a single customer.
    • If we decide the change is a Product change, we will cover the costs of development. We will schedule the change for an appropriate time within the existing Roadmap.
    • If we decide the change is only for a single customer, we will talk to you about funding the development.
  5. In both cases, we will discuss our decision with you.
  6. Once all has discussed and funding agreed, we will schedule the change for an appropriate time within the existing Roadmap.

Change Request process

Change Request Proces

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do we determine whether a change is a product change or for a single customer?

Basically we ask ourselves the following questions:

  • Does the change fully meet our existing product strategy?
  • Will existing customers of our product use the change?

Here are some examples of what we have recently decided are a Product change and one for a single customer.

Product change

  • Returns logic

Single customer

  • Help connecting to an ecommerce platform

Why do our customers have to fund change?

We want to be flexible and therefore accept changes even if they do not match our product strategy. We want to make the product work for your operation and so will work together to make changes specifically for you. It is unreasonable to get others to pay for these changes.

The licence fee pays for basic maintenance and upkeep - everything from server costs to maintenance, monitoring, customer and bug fixes. It does not cover the development of new features which do not match our product strategy as it is an expensive and time-consuming process.

If you'd like to reserve a certain number of development days per month in exchange for an increased licence fee, please contact your Account Manager for a quote.

We can just reject your requests that do not match our product strategy but that is not our style. We are flexible! We are happy to make the changes that you need, however, it is reasonable for you to pick up the changes that are only going to benefit you.

It is unreasonable for the whole network to pay for the changes you need through "product-wide" increased licence fees and PPI fees.

We accept that there are some changes that we may benefit from. We will tend to look for a contribution for these rather than coverage for all the costs. If you are the only user of the change, you have the power to change direction and not use it's functionality. If you contribute you are committing to its use.

What if a change does not match product strategy but multiple customers require it?

We will work with the each customer to decide on the approach. This approach could be one of the following:

  • A change to our product strategy
  • Each customer funding a proportion of the change. We are flexible and want to deliver what you need.

Can we develop around your product?

Yes you can. We will work with your chosen developer to enhance or system outside of our product. We will open up our API so you can get the information to make the change. Great examples of this are:

  • New interfaces
  • Reporting
  • Stock management

What if there is a change that we have scheduled but our customer wants it quicker?

The customer can pay an Acceleration Fee. An Acceleration Fee is charged to cover the one of all of the following:

  • The time required to rearrange priorities and communicate changes to the network (and deal with the response that other customers may have). Remember your change will impact the priorities of others.
  • Cover the cost of bringing in extra staff.

How much is the Acceleration Fee?

There is no fixed amount as it is tied to the actual size of the change. The bigger the change, the impact it will be and the more rescheduling will be needed. Talk to your Account Manager anytime you wish a change to be accelerated.

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