
Create a WooCommerce Store

Our WooCommerce integration allows resellers to publish products to WooCommerce Stores and receive orders into their workflow. This is provided alongside the support for Shopify, users may choose to offer a mixture of each storefront. WooCommerce describe themselves as a flexible, open-source eCommerce platform, built on WordPress. 

Hosting Options

WooCommerce advertises a set of official hosting partners at https://woocommerce.com/hosting-solutions/, all of these are suitable choices for the integration. Your choice can be based on factors such as service levels, support and commercials. 

It is also possible for WooCommerce to be self-hosted on WordPress for the more technically aware partners, the requirement here is that the API which is accessible on a secure HTTP port, normally the same as the store front and admin backend.

Essential Store Settings

There are some requirements on the store, following on from standard WooCommerce requirements in WordPress, such as ensuring Permalinks are set to something other than Plain. Firstly in WooCommerce-->Settings, hit the Advanced tab, then the REST API link. Hit the Add Key button on the page, then complete the form with any description but specify a user with at least Store Manager permissions. You may want to create a dedicated user at WordPress-->Users beforehand or use an existing admin user. Specify Read/Write permissions for the new API key.  Hit the Generate API key button to confirm. Note the allocated Consumer key and Consumer secret shown on the screen, you will need those to setup the store in our App.

Next again on the Advanced tab hit the Webhooks link, then the Add webhook button. Complete the form to create a Webhook with the Delivery URL set as below, specify any name, select Active as the status, Order created or Order updated as the topic and leave the Secret blank. Using Order updated will only send orders through to the workflow once paid, whereas Order created will send them when placed.

  • For MyPrintStreet use the following: https://woocommerce-incoming.myprintstreet.com/order?shopUrl=<shopUrl>&shopName=<shopName>&integratorUrl=<integratorUrl> where the case of the URL is important and the values in the angle brackets <> should be replaced as follows:
      1. <shopUrl> is replaced with the domain for the shop and should match exactly the domain displayed for the shop in the workflow.
      2. <shopName> is replaced with the name of the store, this is a display value and so the exact value is not important.
      3. <integratorUrl> is replaced with the integrator HTTP path for the workflow integrator you wish to use for WooCommerce, often this is a specific integrator defined as a main integrator connection, if unsure please ask on support channels.

For example the Webhook Delivery URL may read:

The API version should be left at the default version v3. 

An example screen shot is given below.

Hit the Save webhook button to complete.

Optional Store Settings

Optionally a WordPress user account and application password can be configured to allow deeper integration with WooCommerce, including support for multiple variant images and a larger number of product images. in WordPress-->Users, select a user with at least Store Manager permissions and enter any name in the New Application Password Name box, hit the Add New Application Password button to confirm. Note the user email and allocated application password shown on the screen, you will need this to enter in the App.


You may customise the appearance, branding and content of the storefront to your liking with the themes provided by WooCommerce at https://woocommerce.com/product-category/themes and appearance options at https://woocommerce.com/document/woocommerce-customizer/

Next Steps

Keep track of your store URL domain, for example http://mystore.woocommerce-hosting.com/ and the Consumer key and secret, these are needed to configure your store in the App and publish products in App v2.

Setup WooCommerce Store

To publish products to an WooCommerce store first ensure you have setup the store hosting and essential store settings as described in the solution https://trackmetrics.freshdesk.com/a/solutions/articles/9000217731

To add the store first login to the App and select Stores from the left-hand bar to show the stores setup against your account.  Hit the New Store button to show available store types.

Select WooCommerce from the listed stores types.

Complete the form that appears with the store domain, your chosen display name and the username and password associated with the API key you created, the username is the consumer key and the password is the secret. Optionally enter the WordPress user and application password. For an example of the store domain please see the screen shot below, it should appear like mystore.woocommere-hosting.com.

The store will be added to the list of configured stores, now setup to publish products to the store.  Products can then be managed within the store and synchronised as normal for Shopify stores.  |t is important not to modify published product SKUs if you want to include those items on workflow orders.

The Settings link on the store view will show the standard store settings page with the WooCommerce store domain that has been setup. 

Plug-in Support

WooCommerce features can be extended via plug-ins. The following official WooCommerce plug-ins are supported within the store, these are optional:


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